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Tuesday – 06.07.10

Kisasi Primary School. Kisasi. Kenya.

Appeal in Kisasi Primary School (children holding wood in hands, which have brought from home for firewood in the kitchen). Kisasi. Kenya.

Fun in "What is it?". Eighth grade. Kisasi. Kenya.

Hardware to a presentation seeded in Kisasi Primary School. Kisasi. Kenya.

Mr Nzuki takes notes on the blackboard and explain to children the information provided by us. Kisasi. Kenya.

Children from grade eight draw inspired by the music of Chopin. Kisasi. Kenya.

Welcome in grade seven. Kisasi. Kenya.

Children waiting for gifts :-). Kisasi. Kenya.

The girl shows how to jump rope. Kisasi. Kenya.

The girls demonstrated the game in rubber (we were afraid that this game is not well known here, but we were wrong :-) ). Kisasi. Kenya.

Mr. Director presents footballs. Kisasi. Kenya.

The children thank us. Kisasi. Kenya.

The children thank us. Kisasi. Kenya.

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